Thank you for entrusting your care to Georgia Health Clinics! We are at the forefront of science and research and our patients are provided with access to the most advanced treatment options available. Our highly trained and dedicated physicians and team members will personalize a plan of care that is custom designed for your unique needs and health profile. Our relationship with our patients is at the heart of everything we do! Your dedicated team will provide guidance and support from your first consultation to your last treatment.
This guide will provide you with important information about your care at Georgia Health Clinics. We encourage you to read through it carefully. Please talk with your care team any time you have questions or concerns. We will be by your side through every step of your journey. It is our privilege and our passion to serve you!

Dignity is fundamental to the well-being of every individual in all societies. It is also essential for an effective relationship between healthcare staff and patients. Georgia Health Clinics holds the dignity of patients as the most important cornerstone of ethical caring.

Respect is an essential component of any healthy organization. With respect and non judgment we serve minority and LGBTQ communities. Patients feel cared for as individuals, and staff are engaged, collaborative and committed to their service.

Every patient deserves empathy from their provider. It can be scary, confusing or overwhelming to face sudden or chronic health questions, so don't do it alone. Georgia Health Clinics is here to confidently answer your concerns with compassion, empathy, respect and dignity at all times.
When you make your first appointment with a new provider, how do you know what questions to ask? We say: Ask everything! There are no "wrong" questions to ask, and trust us - you won't be the first one to ask it - whatever it is! If our office is new to you, some information can be especially helpful as we get to know you. Here are a few things you'll want to cover in your first new appointment so that we can provide the most comprehensive care.
1. Relevant Medical Information
How much background information we have depends on the quality and quantity of your medical records, so it's helpful to send your records from any previous doctors before you arrive. However, if this is your first visit, we can gather that info when you're here in person to cover your basic health history such as major illnesses, chronic conditions, surgeries, etc.
2. Family Medical History
Maybe you haven't heard from Uncle Joe since last Thanksgiving, but if he has the same chronic condition your dad does - your doctor should know about it. Mention if you have blood relatives with cancer, heart attack or stroke, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, or use sexual or hormonal therapies.
3. Current Medications
Bringing them in is ideal, but if that's not convenient, writing them down is just fine too. Please include the type of medication and the dose. Yes, you should also mention herbal supplements, vitamins, birth control methods (including an IUD, patch, or ring), and any allergies to medications.
4. New Symptoms
You made an appointment for a reason, and you don't have any concerns we haven't heard before. So don't be shy - tell us what concerns you have. Many questions go unasked because patients are simply embarrassed. "It's not that big a deal." "It doesn't bother me all the time." "I guess that part of my life is just over." These assumptions are common, but should not be normal. Please share your concerns or recent life changes with confidence that your dignity and complete well-being is our priority.
5. Personal Preferences
We'd like it to feel like "home" when you're here. So tell us if we can do more to prepare for your arrival. How would you like to be addressed by staff? Do you prefer to have a caregiver with you? Will you need a translator? Are you a trauma victim with anxiety? Would you like to request a male or female provider? Feel free to share how we can make you more comfortable.
6. Your Lifestyle
It's not just chit chat! Telling the doc about your hobbies, diet, fitness, and sexual activities gives them a great snapshot of your life. This will help us make the right recommendations to boost your health. While you may not want to admit that you smoke, drink, vape, or use drugs - your doctor needs to know, and won't judge you, or tell anyone unless there is a concern around serious harm of yourself or someone else. Trust us, you're not the only one!
7. Relationships/Work
Many people are facing day to day struggles with finances, raising children, finding or keeping work, trouble in relationships, and trying to remain healthy and safe during an unprecedented time in history. Reports of increased anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other stress related conditions show that everyone has been affected. Difficult feelings or thoughts might be manageable on your own, but you should bring them up to your doctor too. Many people find mental and emotional well being with simple, natural solutions your doctor can recommend that do not require drugs or therapy.
You may contact our office to tell us about any struggles at work, any family issues, relationship issues. Our clinic is also a safe place to ask questions about emotional or physical abuse, having harmful thoughts about yourself or others, and food insecurity. If you're experiencing abuse, please contact: 800-799-7233, for thoughts of self harm: 800-273-8255. You may also call our staff to discuss your concerns.
We know that nothing is more personal than your health and well being. Helping us gather a comprehensive view of your health, habits and lifestyle will allow us to help you build and enjoy your best life. Our goal is to form a personal relationship that will move and adjust over time according to your changing needs. We look forward to adding you to the family soon!