Online Services
Find documents easily within organized folder structures.
Automatically file documents upon import.
Easily duplicate existing filing structures.
Navigate and preview content with thumbnails of document pages.
Make scanned and electronic files full-text searchable with optical character recognition (OCR).
Save changes with document check in/out.
Paper to Digital Services
Each paper page is prepared for scanning by removing staples, paper clips, smoothing edges, orienting direction and index coding.
Scan to single page digital file.
Each paper page is scanned into one of many digital file formats (Tiff, PDF, Jpeg, Gif, etc) using high speed scanners with high quality document and image results.
Process scanned documents in multi-page digital files.
Single page scans are processed into either of the two most popular multi page digital file formats (Multi-page Tiff and PDF) using the latest tools for image clean-up and conversion.
Attach indexes to digital file for fast retrieval.
Key information captured from each page or document is then converted into an index for digital image access and retrieval using data entry, and processing technologies.
Link documents and indexes to other information.
Documents and their basic key information can be linked to external databases and information files for expanded data retrieval or reporting.
Create “searchable” PDF documents for text based retrieval.
Improve access to document pages while keeping the original page imagery.
Store documents and data securely on-line.
Archive documents and its related data using your own OneDrive, DropBox, GDrive or Corporate Solution.